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Sa., 09. Dez.



Blues Fever Festival - Chicago Triple

Our vision for Blues Fever is to have a weekend full of social dancing, high-level classes, panel talks about Blues, master classes, and competitions. For this to happen, we will have 10 amazing teachers, 5 parties, 7 live bands, and lots of #BluesLove

Blues Fever Festival - Chicago Triple
Blues Fever Festival - Chicago Triple


09. Dez. 2023, 12:30 – 16:30

Wien, Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien, Österreich


Chicago Triple with Vicci and Adamo

Adamo  is dedicated to nurturing, developing, and promoting the blues scene in  Europe. Thanks to his impressive linguistic abilities he can offer  classes in English, Spanish, Italian and (passable) French!

Adamo has a professional qualification in teaching adults and he sees  his role as a teacher to facilitate the classroom in response to  learner’s needs, enabling all students to achieve their potential. His  classes focus on highlighting the relationship between the dancers and  the music and the importance of personal expression and creativity.

​He loves social dancing, teaching, competing, and listening to  music, and spends his ‘spare’ time reading and learning about the  history of the dance forms he loves so much. What makes Adamo’s dancing  life worthwhile is the commitment, enthusiasm, and energy of his  students and everybody else in what he describes as “this beautiful  community of dancers”.

Damon has been dancing his entire life, starting with vernacular Jazz/Blues first taught to him at the tender age of six by his grandmother.

After nearly a decade of learning at the heels of his elders,  he went on and eventually studied numerous dance forms until coming full  circle in 1995 to focus primarily on the history and styles of Swing  and Blues as his family danced them with a special focus on the Southern  styles from the Mississippi Delta region.

He has studied the development of vernacular Jazz/Blues dance  across the United States learning from a number of the original dancers.

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