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08. Dez. 2022, 20:30
Wien, Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien, Austria
"Hana" - Flowers
Atsushi Takenouchi JINEN Butoh performance
Open your life to the universe. Embracing the life of the tribute and the memory of the soul of billion years, the innocence from darkness to light and death to life is constantly repeated and continues to open. The beginning of the universe is love. The flowers stare at the stars. ( New creation 2021/Premiere in Poland / total 75 minutes ) Butoh, choreograph : Atsushi Takenouchi Live music : Hiroko Komiya (percussion, voice, zither )
Von 15,00 € bis 25,00 €Verkauf beendet- 25,00 €+ 0,63 € Servicegebühr
- 15,00 €+ 0,38 € Servicegebühr
- 15,00 €+ 0,38 € Servicegebühr
0,00 €
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