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The Fear Of Ending

OPEN CALL for artists, creatives & researchers of all disciplines til 27.10.2024 

 Each edition has a specific focus. This time: the fear of ending and possible strategies to overcome it. The format aims to be a contribution to collective learning and to counteract the cliché that artists have finished their education after studies and the associated “secrecy“ surrounding their working methods. MOSAÏQUE thus responds to the need of artists, creatives and researchers not only to present finished projects, but also to have an exchange about the current state of research, development processes and working methods. We want to give this exchange its own space.


// Do you sometimes struggle to bring your project to an end?


// Are you looking for feedback and exchange? 

// Would you like to open up your process? 





 All people, regardless of their level of experience, are invited to send in their projects and join the public sharing of MOSAÏQUE on 21.11.24 - to look, experience and discuss together.




MOSAÏQUE is a feedback format to open up creative processes from different disciplines in order to enable exchange about working methods & intermediate states. MOSAÏQUE focuses on the process itself; the „failed“ and unfinished parts of it and celebrates the moment of raw creation, instead of presenting finished and polished work.



Each edition has a specific focus: this time, it‘s all about blockades and the different ways of dealing with them. The format sees itself as a contribution to collective learning and aims to counteract the cliché that artists have finished their education after studies and the associated „secrecy“ surrounding their own working methods. MOSAÏQUE thus responds to the need of artists, creatives and researchers not only to present finished projects, but also to exchange about the current state of research, development processes and working methods, and wants to give this exchange its own space.


You dare to open up your process, we take care of the ideal frame for you to do you. We prepare professional and individuell feedback methods and moderate the conversation. You get honest feedback to your current state of process, the other participants and the audience get an insight into different creative working methods and all together benefit from an inspiring exchange. Our methods based on the DasArts Feedback Method are constantantly develloped from each edition. MOSAÏQUE itself is a process where we integrate your feedback. 





“Ein sehr schönes, achtsames und aktuelles Format!

Es darf sich bewegen, es darf sich verändern - und es kann sich verändern! So wichtig, besonders heute. Mehr davon!”


- Zitat eine:r Teilnehmer:in

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If you want dive in deeper
check out our Paper of the first 4 Edi

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